Winter is definitely the busiest season for tow trucks. However, Spring isn't a safe time for drivers. While the weather has improved, driving is safer. But, spring brings back the negative effects of long winters on your vehicle.
It leads to an unexpected number of vehicle breaks downs. This causes drivers to need roadside assistance . This is why spring is a busy time for tow trucks. Let's have a look at the reasons!
1. A better driver environment means more drivers on the road
This one is quite simple. Spring offers better driving conditions and people tend to drive more often in spring than winter. The majority of snowy and icy conditions have subsided, so people can drive longer without taking any risks. This has resulted in a noticeable increase in vehicles on roads.
As you can see more vehicles means more chance of breakdowns. These could be long-term issues from winter, general auto accidents such as a fender bender, or locking your car out.
2. Winter Effects
Winter can be a difficult time for any vehicle. You must be aware of the dangers that come with driving in ice and snow. These issues may not become apparent until spring when changing conditions and/or more frequent use of your vehicle make them worse.
Low temperatures in winter make it harder for the car battery, but when temperatures rise in spring, the fluids in battery evaporate faster, increasing the likelihood of the battery dying completely.
In the same way, tire pressure can fluctuate due to temperature swings between Winter/Spring, which can cause them to be either too or too low. This can lead to tires bursting and many people needing to call for a tow truck in spring to have their tires changed.
These are just some of the many auto problems that develop in winter, then get worse by spring. For the spring, make sure your car is serviced and checked.
3. Spring Break
Spring break is one of the busiest seasons for traveling. Students travel across the country to go on vacation or home while schools go on short breaks. Each college has a different Spring break date, so there will be a lot more students driving, often long distances, to get home for vacation.
Many students travel during Spring break and need assistance from a tow truck. It could be a minor issue like a flat tire or something more serious, such as an engine problem that can occur when driving long distances.